Reubicación de nervios
The inferior alveolar nerve, which gives feeling to the lower lip and chin, Puede ser necesario moverlo para dejar espacio para la colocación de implantes dentales en la mandíbula inferior.. Este procedimiento se limita a la mandíbula inferior y puede estar indicado cuando faltan dientes en el área de los dos molares posteriores y / o segundos premolares.. This procedure is considered a very aggressive approach since there is almost always some postoperative numbness of the lower lip and jaw area, which typically dissipates very slowly, but may be permanent. Usually other, less aggressive options are considered first (placement of blade implants, etc.).
Típicamente, we remove an outer section of the cheek on the side of the lower jaw bone in order to expose the nerve and vessel canal. We then isolate the nerve and vessel bundle in that area and slightly pull it out to the side. We then place the implants while tracking the neuro-vascular bundle. Then the bundle is released and placed back over the implants. El acceso quirúrgico se rellena con material de injerto óseo elegido por el cirujano y se cierra el área..
These procedures may be performed separately or together depending upon the individual’s condition. As stated earlier, there are several areas of the body that are suitable for attaining bone grafts. In the maxillofacial region bone grafts can be taken from inside the mouth, in the area of the chin or third molar region, or in the upper jaw behind the last tooth. In more extensive situations a greater quantity of bone can be attained from the hip or the outer aspect of the tibia at the knee. When we use the patient’s own bone for repairs or additions, we generally get the best results.
In many cases, Podemos utilizar material de aloinjerto para implementar injertos óseos para implantes dentales.. This bone is prepared from cadavers and is used to get the patient’s own bone to grow into the repair site. It is quite effective and very safe. Synthetic materials can also be used to stimulate bone formation. We even use factors from your own blood to accelerate and promote bone formation in graft areas.
Estas cirugías se realizan en la sala de operaciones fuera del consultorio bajo sedación intravenosa o anestesia general.. After discharge, bed rest is recommended for one day, as well as limited physical activity for one week.
¿Es usted un candidato para el injerto óseo?
Los avances en el campo de la cirugía oral han simplificado mucho los procedimientos de injerto óseo. Los implantes dentales y cirugía oral de Cárdenas brindan una atención excelente con excelentes resultados para el paciente.